![]() There will be moments of joy, like a child opening a favorite toy on Christmas morning, when unexpected discoveries are made sorting through items, like 99 cents jewelry, bought at storage auction. Not every day, and not every time you buy, will the excitement reach levels of euphoria, but there will be those times. A storage unit auction buyer was a winning bidder at an auction revealing a unit filled with boxes. The bidder paid $125 to win the auction. Under all the boxes they found a Harley Davidson motorcycle valued at considerably more than $20,000. Another storage auction buyer won a bid for a unit costing just $20. That is right; $20 is all it went for. There were 100 items in the unit. The buyer took a picture of each item, added a brief description and put them all online setting a low bid of 99 cents per item hoping to make $100 on the lot. Every item sold, and the seller did not make $100, they made $765 on a $20 storage auction buy. Here is a story about a unit that sold for $200. The unit contained 400 items. A similar scenario took place where the seller took pictures and listed all the items online with starting bids of just 99 cents. The result was that they turned their $200 investment into a $1,600 total sale. These sorts of stories are endless. On the small scale a storage auction bidder won a unit paying $30 and discovered boxes filled with DVDs and CDs. After sorting through the merchandise there were 80 DVDs and 30 CDs and they sold them all making a $200 profit on a $30 investment. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are the once in a lifetime finds. One successful bidder reported that they paid $120 for a 5 x 10 storage unit that contained all sorts of household merchandise. Among the items was a bike which they sold for $200 and wrapped up in a handkerchief in a box were ten bars of pure gold, each weighing just an ounce. The buyer sold six of the gold bars for $6,500. In another once in a lifetime story a storage auction buyer sorting through a box found a stamp. It turned out to be a 1851 Canadian 12 pence stamp which was sold for $34,000. Would you believe that a pair of vintage 501 Levi jeans brought another storage auction buyer $2,500? And here is a real kicker. A storage auction buyer paid $2,700 for a large unit filled to the rafters with boxes of clothing. The clothing turned out to be from high-end designers that were stored by a garment distributor including merchandise from such labels as Chanel. The buyer resold the merchandise for over $200,000. In another incident, a storage renter had passed away and his heirs did not pay enough attention to the potential contents of his storage unit, letting it go to auction. In addition to household items and other personal things, the former owner had been a jewelry store owner and the winning bidder discovered a box that contained 24 Rolex watches and an assortment of other jewelry. You may ask yourself how can these things happen? And the answer is frankly that they just do. Visit http://www.storagetreasures.com for more information.
Warning: If You Thought Shopping at a 99 Cent Store Online was Impossible, Don't Ignore This TipÂ5/12/2013 ![]() Do you want a plastic reusable shopping bag with a picture of President Barack Obama on it for only 99 cents at a 99 cent store? How about a crystal angel that lights up with different colors when it is sitting on top of a colored laser for two dollars and fifty cents? And what about a tricycle for your toddler for less than twenty five dollars? Do these prices sound good to you? If they do, and they should, you need to look into wholesale closeouts and 99 cent only stores. Wholesale distribution works like this. A company makes or manufactures a product, such as Barack Obama bobble head dolls for your car, and they make them in bulk. Now, that company needs to sell its product to consumers. The company may have a separate branch that manages sales and distribution, or it may need to look for wholesale distributors to sell at a 99 cent store. The wholesale distributor is the middleman between the manufacturers and the retailers, who then sell to consumers. The trick with wholesale distribution is that they buy a product in bulk at a low price. For example, Costco is a popular wholesale grocery store. For the past 6 months, they have had chocolate covered macadamia nuts for sale. They bought a huge order, and kept selling them until they were gone. My grandpa loved them. When we went back a few weeks ago to stock up again, they were gone. Costco had sold all the chocolate covered macadamia nuts that they bought in bulk, and now they are moving on to a new product. My grandpa had to settle with dark chocolate covered almonds, instead. That is how wholesale works. A wholesale distributor buys in bulk, getting a low price from the manufacturer, and then sells in bulk, also for a fairly low price, usually for 99 cents or less, directly to the consumer. Sometimes, products will go through several layers of people, buying and selling for a higher price. When that happens, the consumer has to pay more for that crystal angel than it would actually cost to buy straight from the manufacturer. Wholesale attempts to take out the layers of middlemen and get the products straight to the consumers faster. 99 cent store wholesale closeouts would bef the cheapest way to get the products you want, if you can find them. Some wholesale distributors and 99 cent only stores may even be able to sell you an item singularly, instead of in bulk. You may not necessarily want fifty tricycles, but if you could just get one for a cheaper price, that would do the trick. Look into 99 cents only stores and wholesale closeouts online and find the products you are looking for at a cheaper price than you expect. Satisfy your craving for the ultimate bargain at 99-Cent-Store.com. Buy Merchant is a wholesale distributor selling closeout items, overstock merchandise, and wholesale closeouts. (http://www.buymerchant.com) ![]() Just about everyone you know is shopping on the internet and searching for bargains. One good place to look for the lowest prices online is at a 99 cent store. We are familiar with the brick and mortar stores for savings, but you can save even more by shopping for those bargains online. An online 99 cent store offers closeouts and surplus items at a fraction of the retail price. Just like any other wholesale store you need to purchase in bulk, but you will save a bundle without using coupons at these 99 cents only stores. If you're currently surfing online for the best deal or shopping in your community you already know that wholesale is the cheapest and most efficient way to go. As far as value goes the 99 cent only store gives you the best deal around online or off-line. Think of Sam's Club, the most visible wholesaler. The business was built completely on giving customers the ability to buy food and other items in bulk at a cheap price. The 99 cent store is an even better deal. You can receive quality products from 99 cents only stores cheaper than you can at other popular wholesale outlets. Online search engines are a great way to find the 99 cent store of your choice. On the internet there are wholesale providers of about every product and service imaginable. There are sites dedicated to general wholesale selling, but there are even 99 cents only stores for specific items such as jewelry, electronics, lingerie, cosmetics, paint, tools, and many other various items. If you are looking to shop online by the bulk, or even a smaller amount at wholesale prices, you will find a 99 cent store online that caters to your needs. Depending on what you are looking for, you may not even have to dig too deeply! Wholesale offers also provide some people with a way to supplement their income. Tens of thousands of people buy wholesale lots of products, some from auction sites, and others from an actual 99 cent store online, and then turn around the sell the products retail. Some independent business people even make a full time living just doing this and nothing else. Buying large wholesale bulks at rock bottom prices and turning around to sell at retail has made a lot of people a good amount of spare dollars. Either way, shopping at a 99 cent store online is the way to go, because it will always provide so much more than retail. |