We should always keep in mind who helped us get to where we are. All of us can probably remember a teacher or coach in our lives who made a huge impact on our youth. Perhaps it was a football coach who spent an hour after practice helping you learn how to tackle, or the English teacher who worked with you after class to get your college admission essays right. Receiving life coach advice is very much like what you have received from important advisers in your community all through your life.
No matter what you do or your fields of interest, you need a coach. Yes, everyone needs a mentor, although many people see life coach advice as a negative thing. They have too much pride and feel that they need to portray the "I don't need any help, I can do it on my own attitude." That attitude will lead anyone that harbors it to failure.
You need good divorce advice simply because divorce can be a nasty process. There are so many different factors to consider and adding two angry emotional people in the mix doesn't make it any easier. The cold hard truth is, divorce proceedings are business deals and emotions shouldn't be mixed in so that both parties get the fairest division of properties and assets. This is where a divorce lawyer steps in and analyzes everything in a fair and calculating manner as well as handles the confusing paperwork in your time of distress.
To make things easier on you, here are 4 pieces of divorce advice from a lawyer that you should prepare for to make the transition easier on you. ![]()
Are you fighting forgiveness? When going through emotional crises everyone tells you how important it is to forgive. That can be interpreted as meaning that you should forgive the other person or people involved, especially when it comes to divorce advice . However, in reality the most important person you need to forgive is yourself. Read on to see what Michael Beckwith (yes the guy from the Secret) has to say about this very crucial healing process.
Here is a topic from one of Dr. Michael’s inspirational sermons - A Dimensional Shift - very powerful advice. Loosely translated this was a sermon on: 1. Forgiveness 2. Surrender 3. Change ![]()
All of us want inner peace but fail to discover spiritual healing to achieve our goal. We don’t realize that often our heavy burdens are self-made. As long as you are carrying a heavy burden in life you will be weighed down in your life and unable to find the inner peace that you desire.
You may even find yourself held back from achieving your dreams and goals, all the while not realizing exactly what it is that is keeping you from reaching them. By beginning the process of spiritual healing, however, you can start to release your heavy burden until it is gone, finally. Now, there will be nothing holding you back. Spiritual healing lets you look at your life closely, helping you to realize exactly what pains and scars you carry with you from day to day. Some of these may be minor, such as an insult or humiliation that you just can't seem to let go. Others may be larger, such as a loss that you never quite managed to get over. ![]()
The term 'spiritual coaching' is used to encompass a wide array of practices and practitioners.
To simplify, it can be broken into two broad categories: 1. There are Teachers and Teachings revolving around actual spiritual growth (increasing awareness, achieving oneness, experiencing Truth). 2. There are also Teachers and Teachings that revolve around sharing the spiritual principles that underlie worldly success. When properly done, spiritual coaching dissolves this false duality. A powerful spiritual practice can result in tremendous joy, peace, and worldly success... if that is the Will of the practitioner. When principles are applied properly, your success in all endeavors will be much easier and much more enjoyable. Spirituality - Get 3 Free Min + 50% Off Ultimately, we want to step into the realm of the principles that lend power to the practices. ![]()
Magic (ma-jic): an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source. The attempt to define magic is difficult at best. It is used more as a word to define than one that can be defined. The same can be said for who you are. We attempt to define ourselves, yet no adequate words exist to describe the complexity of who we are. We can describe what we look like, the type of work we do, our ethnic heritage or gender. Yet, that comes nowhere near the truth of what animates your being. You are a mystery. You are magic. And seeking spiritual advice will make your purpose in life become clearer to you right now.
Historians, philosophers, scientists, and theologians have been searching for the origins and meaning of existence since the beginning of time. Various religions have been born out of an attempt to define the indefinable. We often engage in the endless pursuit to define who, what and why we are. We measure ourselves against others and their accomplishments. We are deluged each day with media images of what is acceptable or unacceptable. There is an ongoing quest to explain the unexplainable. You are who you are and that is ever changing. You are deliciously indescribable. Each moment you are remade. Every morning when you open your eyes, you begin a new journey. The choices and decisions that you make color and change who you are. You are an indefinable, magical being. Have you forgotten this? Have you allowed the world to take away your magic? Each time you have a thought or task and give it life- you are creating! From preparing a meal for your family or painting a picture. Everything you do adds a different dimension to who you are. Life is a mystery and by accepting this fact you become one with it and more able to maneuver though it. ![]()
You need to be fearless while being honest with yourself so that you can discover the peace and power obtained by making positive change in your life. This will require your honesty in taking a deep look at yourself and come to grips with the things that are not fine in your life. This sort of self-honesty can be difficult at first. This is where spiritual coaching comes into play. Having a spiritual coach to help you in your inner journey makes it easier to face your burdens, heartaches, and emotional bindings that are holding you back.
Spiritual coaching gives you a guide on your voyage of self-discovery. Someone who can ask you the right questions to get you to look deep within is exactly what you need right now in your life. Unlike some other "self help" gurus who want you to simply repeat their mantra, your spiritual coach will be focused instead on actually helping you to help yourself. Remember, you're the one who has to do the work when it comes to unlocking your inner power and finding the peace that you seek. Spiritual coaching just presents you with the support that you need to stay on your path, giving you prompts as to where you should go next but never attempting to force your decision. ![]()
Getting into a relationship with a woman really is like being in a job interview. Women have a set of criteria that they use to determine if they want to have a guy become their boyfriend. And, for you guys, this job interview only has one grade pass or fail. Each woman may even have her own scale and a different way of determining what traits she finds most important in a man. However, here you can get a crash course and dating advice for men on exactly what the dating interview will entail. Judge yourself on each of these criteria if you want learn how to get a girlfriend.
Dating Advice #1 - Appearance You might call it style, fashion, or the way you dress. Surprisingly this is not at the top of a woman's list, but it is still important guys that you get a passing grade. You can be sure to impress women with your appearance by understanding the dress code for a location. You wouldn't go to a basketball game wearing a tuxedo and you wouldn't go to a wedding in dirty jeans. ![]()
You want to tell that special person in your life how much you care. Writing a love letter just might do the job. However, you are staring at a blank page for a long period of time thinking of giving up on the idea of expressing yourself in words. Or maybe you try a few lines only to delete them and attempt to start over. Why is it so hard to write a love letter? Do you struggle to find the words to honestly show how you feel? Don’t let words get in the way of conveying your message to your loved one. You need expert love advice.
Need help with the Love and Relationship Advice? Speak with a Relationship Expert who can help you out. Whether we want to admit it or not, all of us want to be loved. We are so busy with our daily routines that we take to time to slow down and focus on our loving relationship that makes our life worth living. We think that those closest to us know exactly how we feel about them and how important they are to us. But, this often is not the case. So, how can you write a love letter that you feel will be one that your significant other will cherish for all time? The 6 steps below will give you all the love advice you need in love letter writing tips: ![]()
You got married because of different reasons; and you stay married also because of different reasons. It is only in the process that you find out how things truly work or not.
If you want to improve your relationship or marriage, try surprising your spouse in ways that show how much you love and care for your partner. Express what type of life you want to have together. The best relationship or marriage advice to give is to celebrate your relationship! Celebrate the joy of having met that one very special person in your life. Find joy in the fantastic things that click about you and your spouse and celebrate what you are committed to building together. Also, think seriously about receiving invaluable marriage advice. |