![]() How Psychic Are You? Have you ever experienced precognition, the feeling or sensing of an event before it happened? Well, 80% of people have reported some level of this happening in their lives. Or, have you ever had a strong sense having been somewhere before... even though you know it is the very first time you have? That’s called deja vu. This is probably the most well known instance of maybe having psychic abilities. The truth is, actually decoding what IS (and what is NOT) psychic is a pretty hard task by itself. Believe it or not, it can even be downright controversial, even in spiritual circles themselves! For example? Depending on who you ask, even in the spiritual “ field," you'll get widely different answers from paranormal professionals on whether everyone has some type of psychic ability, or whether someone has to be born with the gift to have something worth talking about. Here are some thoughts on the matter...
Even though many people disagree, some professionals say that everyone has at least some psychic abilities.
In some respects, intuition, is akin to changing the channel. Rather than looking at psychic skills as something that is part of the body, or the "biology" of the medium, it can be viewed as a universal experience of being able to tune in and tap into a field of energy and information that is out THERE. You can learn to do this on your own by practicing meditation, creative visualization, and training your brain to filter out more noise and attract more spiritual signals. However, some people do have more natural talent and psychic abilities than others, and to ignore that fact would be to ignore the obvious. (for example - a gifted medium who has spent 20 years tapping into this energy and interpreting the information is going to be far superior than someone who is getting glimpses and flashes of information but isn't 100% quite sure what they mean.) Here are a few very common types of psychic abilities in very broad and general terms and what they represent: Channeling Every good medium is doing some sort of channeling. They are acting as a conduit between this world and the next and allowing the information and energy from one world to flow to and through them into this. Everyone can be a channel with practice. But as above, it often takes years of practice to do it consistently and well. Aura Reading Being able to see and sense energy and emotion around people, and things, is a very common psychic ability as well. The idea that every human body has an energetic system that can be visually represented by color dates back thousands of years. The Chakra system is a good example of an ancient philosophy which incorporates the idea of both energy and a color coded process by which to interpret the emotional equilibrium of people around us, all of the time. Telepathy Many people feel a mind to mind, or emotional connection, with other people that defies scientific scrutiny. Twins, for example, are said to be able to feel the thoughts of their other half without a word being spoken. Many mothers admit to being able to hear the thoughts, especially distressful thoughts, of a child in need, often thousands of miles away. The idea that when we love someone, or are deeply connected to them on some special level, our "minds" merge in some way and allow reciprocal access when intention and attention is set, is something some of us have witnessed in our own life in hundreds of unique cases. Precognition Lastly, precognition. What is it? Probably the most common type of psychic experience there is. Feeling the future before it happens. Sensing someone is going to call moments before they do. (often someone you haven't thought of or heard from in years... and a few hours after having the thought they are on the phone or in your inbox out of the blue.) Sensing danger before it happens... and then watching what you saw or sensed come to fruition. Many professional mediums, for example, will tell stories about their first psychic or spiritual experience being one where they felt a foreboding about a loved one, or a neighbor, or saw someone die days or even hours before it inexplicably happened. Precognition is a powerful and very persuasive experience that can provide personal proof that psychic abilities really are true, especially when it happens to you! Other types of psychic abilities we aren't going to cover here include remote viewing, common clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and the more subtle sensory experience of picking up information from others, or the atmosphere. Some people have very specific gifts as they pertain to spiritual tools and techniques - like ouija, using mirrors (often for seeing spirit), minerals, and even common every day objects that are used for psychometry (being able to access emotions, and information from objects). There are some people how cannot do any of the above, but who regularly experience astral projection and can consciously leave their bodies and offer up verifiable information to a bunch of people in a group that would make your head spin. What types of psychic abilities do you find most interesting? Which ones of the above do you have? Which ones would you love to develop? Communicate with an experienced psychic or medium and see if you have psychic abilities you would like to explore. Are you psychic? Join [http://famouspsychicmediums.com] Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Are-YOU-Psychic?-4-Universal-Psychic-Abilities-That-ANYONE-Can-Develop-(Even-You!)&id=7935431] Disclaimer: The videos, posts, and comments contained in our *Health & Weight Loss Categories* on this website are not medical advice or a treatment plan and are intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. They should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this website to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained on this website.
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