Whether made from solid material like stone or made from easy-to-assemble items like steel wall with resin posts, above-ground pools are popular for outdoor use. But no matter the items used for above-ground pools, one thing is certain – it requires a certain amount of pool maintenance. The basics of above ground pool maintenance will be detailed in this article, so read on.
For starters, if your above-ground pool is constructed out of solid materials, especially if the whole is made from quarried rock (which is the most popular kind of design today), then you’ll have to take extra care of it. Above-ground pool maintenance tips for these types of pools involve practically the same strategies used to clean below-ground pools. Algae, scaling, and dirt are things you absolutely wouldn’t want in an above-ground pool, especially if it’s made out of quarried rocks, as removal of the dirt will be difficult. This can be accomplished with the use of automated cleaners which work alongside filters to clean your above ground pool on a programmed basis. The second variant of above-ground pools which are usually inflatable, but most times consists of a metal frame and tarps for the body are even easier to maintain, as a weekly draining and thorough brushing is quite enough to keep it good as new. To avoid buildup and growth of mold, brush and dry the tarp well before storing it. Since pools made from quarried rocks require more upkeep than the inflatable or assembled types, above-ground pool maintenance tips focus on the care and upkeep of the former types in more detail.
There are 3 very simple above-ground pool maintenance tips which should be remembered for solid above-ground pools:
Step One - Chemical Balance The first of the three above-ground pool maintenance tips is creating a perfect chemical balance in your water. There is a necessary chemical balance which should be met with regards to the pool water as too much chlorine and other chemical additives make for an irritating and sometimes even toxic pool, while too little fails to live up to the necessary sanitation requirements. Water testers are tools which are indispensable when you measure pool water levels. Since they are easy to obtain and affordable, it is best to always have them in handy. Step Two – Sanitary Measures Pool sanitation is the second step in above-ground pool maintenance tips and tactics. While it is perfectly possible to sanitize a pool in a variety of ways, no chemical does it better than chlorine. Since chlorine is a sanitary medium, people may think that the more there is in a pool the better. They are sadly mistaken in this regard as too much chlorine can cause severe allergic reactions while too little fails to perfectly sanitize the pool, so balance is key. Removing this will be dealt with in the third step. Step Three – Shock Tactics The last and perhaps most crucial step in the three levels of above-ground pool maintenance tips is shocking the pool water. This does not curtail the need for electricity, but rather the addition of a large amount of non-stabilized chlorine to the water, enabling it to break down chloramines in your pool water, and thus removing that off-smell. Chloramines and not chlorine are responsible for the weird smell which is due to chloramines mixing with dirt, oil, sweat, and other particulates. Adding a large amount of chlorine to remove or sanitize the pool, hence ‘shocking,' remedies the problem. Above-ground pool maintenance is easy to do, and with just three basic steps you’re on your way to having a perfectly kept pool. Disclaimer: The videos, posts, and comments contained in our *Health & Weight Loss Categories* on this website are not medical advice or a treatment plan and are intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. They should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this website to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained on this website.
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