Most people have an awesome immune system. It helps a person to stay healthy as it fights foreign invaders. Humans ideally could live to be over 100 if their immune system was strong. There are many parts of the body that contribute to the total immune function. Some of these are the tonsils, stomach acid, liver, lymph system, and white blood cells.
It is very important to eat a diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, nuts and seeds, because these types of plant foods have phytochemicals and antioxidants that fight off disease along with the immune system. For instance, garlic and onion have sulfur which kills cancer cells. Garlic has special ingredients that fight off virus, bacteria, and germs on contact, while onion has quercetin that is effective in slowing down cancer cells and inhibiting their growth.
Carrots and greens are high in vitamin A, which helps the body to fight off infection. Citrus fruits, green peppers, and especially sprouts are high in vitamin C, which is helpful for a strong immune system. There are many other components of various plant foods that assist in fighting off diseases and infections. Some of these are zinc, selenium, vitamins E and B6, and copper. These elements are abundant in various plant foods.
Animal products tend to be stressful to the immune system because of the foreign DNA. If a person eats too much in the way of dairy and flesh, he or she can have a greater risk of getting a cold or flu. One drop of milk, for example, has about 100,000 pathogens. Pathogens are germs, bacteria, and parasites that are basically considered to be pus or infection.
Individual servings of various meats, eggs, butter, cheese, ice cream are a lot higher in the pathogen amounts ranging in the millions and billions of pathogens per serving. The good thing is that humans have a wonderful immune system, which works hard to fight off these foreign invaders. The bad thing is that while the immune system is working so hard, the person will age faster and can more easily end up with colds, flus, and eventually cancer or some auto-immune disease.
If a person eats a plant-based diet, the body functions more efficiently, less white blood cells are needed to fight off infections in the food supply. Therefore, any flu, virus, or cold bacteria will easily be dealt with and overcome before a person even has any symptoms. Many people are finding that once they go on a plant-based diet, they are less likely to get sick during the winter when others around them get sick and congested. They like the security of a healthier immune system that has not been stressed by a dangerous diet. Getting plenty of vitamin D in the form of natural sunshine seems to contribute a strong immune system during the winter months. The body stores plenty of vitamin D during the summer if a person finds time to be active outdoors. Other things that boost the immune system a lot are a happy attitude and certain herbs. But, the best thing that helps is to be careful about what you put into your body whether it is thoughts, sunshine, or a nutritious diet. Disclaimer: The videos, posts, and comments contained in our *Health & Weight Loss Categories* on this website are not medical advice or a treatment plan and are intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. They should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this website to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained on this website.
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