There are several people across the country and around the world who have used hypnosis for weight loss with great results. They did not rely on plastic surgery to lose those extra pounds only for the pounds to come right back in a matter of months. Does Hypnosis work for weight loss? There are success stories that indicate the answer is a resounding Yes!
Okay, you might be asking how hypnosis can help. First, one of the causes of weight gain is too much sugar intake. Hypnosis suggestions can educate the subconscious mind that sugar is not that exciting. The result of reducing sugar intake based off the retrained mind is not only weight loss but also better sleep, better concentration, and overall quality of life. Another common cause of weight gain is what we call "comfort eating." How many times have you sat down, frustrated, mad, irritated, depressed, or lonely, finding yourself reaching for a bag of potato chips, a handful of cookies, that half-gallon of ice cream, or some other food to help ease the problem? Hypnosis will work for weigh loss so that you will see pleasing results.
Comfort eating is a huge problem for many people and although you might tell yourself repeatedly that you will never turn to food for comfort, it becomes a repetitious problem. Again, hypnosis for weight loss can be used to teach the subconscious mind ways of relaxing and gain control over the situation so you do not have to turn to food. With this, you will find that you lose weight and keep it off.
Just as you can use hypnosis to stop smoking or other unwanted behaviors, you can use hypnosis for weight loss. The goal is to teach the mind how to shift from one thought process to another. Let's use fast food as an example. Most fast foods are loaded with fat and high carbohydrates, which mean excessive calories and unwanted pounds. However, driving past the Taco Bell, Burger King, or McDonald's fast food restaurants is impossible. Now, what if you could use hypnosis to turn the fast food desires off? Well, you can. It is not difficult. With hypnosis for weight loss you can gain control over fast food impulses. You will start choosing healthy and delicious food, instead. Probably one of the hardest foods to get over is chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. If you consume chocolate often, then you will likely have to battle the pounds. Hypnosis can provide a much-needed boost to your subconscious mind that you have no interest in eating chocolate. Keep in mind that for some people chocolate is an addiction that comes with a strong desire. Again, hypnosis for weight loss can help break that habit so you are not consumed by chocolate. Now, just as you can use the benefits of hypnosis to curb food addictions and desires, you can also couple this with the benefit to exercise. Obviously, the key to losing exercise is not just cutting back on the amount and kinds of foods eaten but also exercise. With exercise, you will lose weight, tone the body, and improve overall health. Exercise motivation is something commonly suggested with hypnosis, allowing you to get excited about running, walking, swimming, biking, and playing tennis, or whatever activity you enjoy. Through hypnosis, you will find yourself looking forward every day to spending some time doing something good for your body. Soon, time at the gym will be the highlight of your day. Hypnosis will boost your subconscious mind, giving it drive so that exercise becomes a favorite pastime. Very quickly, your entire outlook on life will change as you begin to eat healthier and exercise, watching the pounds melt away. We can all do things to make life better. If you have goals and want to give yourself that special boost to accomplish them, then you should consider hypnosis. With this, you have a choice of working with a reputable and licensed hypnotherapist or hypnotist, or if you prefer, you can take a step to learn self- hypnosis. The benefit of self-hypnosis is that you can use this tool anytime you want or need. Just remember, all the silly antics you might have seen associated with hypnosis are nothing but hype. True hypnosis is a valuable tool, one that can help people with illnesses such as asthma, fibromyalgia, and arthritis, encourage people to reach outside their comfort zone with public speeches, job promotions, or sports performance, or to overcome difficult obstacles that would include things like weight gain, smoking, nail biting, stuttering, and the list goes on. You can take charge of your life today and make a difference by learning about hypnosis and weight loss. Disclaimer: The videos, posts, and comments contained in our *Health & Weight Loss Categories* on this website are not medical advice or a treatment plan and are intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. They should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this website to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained on this website.
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