The diet you follow while Intermittent Fasting will be determined by the results you seek as well as where you begin, so look in the mirror and ask yourself, "What do I want from this?"
If you want to lose a significant amount of weight, you will need to look at your diet more closely. But, if you just want to lose a few pounds for the beach you may find that a few weeks of intermittent fasting can do the trick.
Although there are several methods for doing intermittent fasting, we will only look at the 24 hour fasting system, which is what can be used to lose 27 pounds in two months. The basic method is to fast for 24 hours twice a week for a few days apart. It is easier if you choose a day when you are busy so that you are not distracted by feelings of hunger. You may experience some hunger pangs at first, but these will pass, and as you become more accustomed to intermittent fasting you may discover that feelings of hunger no longer present a problem. Fasting may cause you to have increased focus and concentration, which is the opposite of what you would expect, but many people experience this.
While fasting, you can and should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, tea and coffee are acceptable with a splash of milk. If you are concerned that you are not getting enough nutrients into your body, consider drinking juice made of celery, broccoli, ginger, and lime, which will taste great and provide your body with some nutrient-rich liquid. However, if you can manage it, it is best to stick to water, tea, and coffee.
Whatever diet you follow, whether healthy or not, you should see weight loss after about 3 weeks of intermittent fasting. Don't be discouraged if you don't see much progress at first. It's not a race, and it's better to lose weight gradually over time than to crash diet a few pounds and then put them back on. After the first month, you may want to review your diet on non-fasting days and eliminate high-sugar foods and junk foods. Actually, you will discover that long-term intermittent fasting makes you want to eat more healthy foods as a natural course.
If you are intermittent fasting for bodybuilding, you should consider looking at your macronutrients and calculating how much protein and carbohydrate you need to consume. This is much more complicated and can be found on several websites, which you will need to spend time researching for the best results. There are numerous advantages to intermittent fasting that you will notice as you progress, including increased energy, less bloating, a clearer mind, and a general sense of well-being. It is critical not to give in to the temptation to binge eat after a fasting period because this will negate the effect of the intermittent fasting period. So, in conclusion, simply following a twice-week 24 hour intermittent fasting plan for a few weeks will result in weight loss. But if you can improve your diet on the days you don't fast, you will lose even more weight. And if you can stick to this system, you will keep the weight off without resorting to crash diets or diets that are simply impossible to stick to.
Check out the Intermittent Fasting Formula eBook for the sale price of only $1.99 - Instant Download.
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