Forget all the glitzy advertisements for the latest must have diet product. The only way to try a simple weight loss plan successfully is by following the calorie reduction diet.
Fluctuations in your body weight are caused by consuming more calories than you burn. Our body converts surplus food to fat and we put on pounds. Our body is actually protecting itself by storing food to prevent starvation if we do not have enough to eat. This worked quite well in the old days when people often went hungry, but these days the result is a nation suffering from obesity.
If you want to try a simple weight loss plan you need to expend more energy than you consume. Sounds easy, right? So just how many calories a day do people need to reduce in order to lose weight? Well, it depends on the individual to a point. If you are losing weight under medical supervision you should follow your doctor's advice.
If you are trying to do this on your own, the World Health Organization recommends that all adults have at least 1200 calories a day. If you try for less than this, your body may think you are in fact starving and slow your metabolism right down. This will prevent you from losing any excess pounds. Crash diets, those that restrict you to less than 1000 calories a day, will result in rapid weight loss at first. But, you will be miserable and starving and the results are not sustainable nor is it healthy. The bigger the deficit you can cause between the amount of food you consume and the energy you expend, the more weight you will lose. But studies show that if you reduce your weight by one to two pounds a week, you are more likely to maintain your new waistline. So if you increase your level of activity you won't have to impose a huge simple weight loss plan. You will also preserve your muscles and they help to burn fat and keep your metabolism raised. You can cut down quite simply by changing the way you eat and cook. Most of us rely too much on fast food restaurants and packaged meals. These contain a lot of hidden fats and sugars. It’s healthier and cheaper to cook your meals from scratch at home. You can reduce your consumption by using low fat milk in recipes rather than the full fat version. You probably won't notice the difference with this simple weight loss method. Using tomato based sauces also helps as does eating brown pasta and rice as opposed to the white versions. Fruit and vegetables contain few calories and little fat. Increase your consumption by drinking smoothies or juices and eating salads. They are great at making you feel full and they are very tasty, as well. With your simple weight loss plant make sure to eat little and often and keep carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch, not for your evening meal. So if you are serious about that new figure, try the simple weight loss diet for yourself. Disclaimer: The videos, posts, and comments contained in our *Health & Weight Loss Categories* on this website are not medical advice or a treatment plan and are intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. They should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this website to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained on this website.
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